Love is in the air and so is the wedding season. Since 2020 this is the first time in a long time that weddings are being arranged normally since covid-19. So why not choose the best theme for your wedding instead of just casually going through the marriage? Wedding themes can turn an average wedding into a spectacular event. From simple to extravagant, wedding themes can make your wedding a soiree that your guests will remember for a long time. This list of top 5 wedding themes of 2022 is brought to you by the WEDDING SUTRA.

  1. THE BRIDGERTONE STYLE. You like web series? Well this is the one for you then. With the perfect touch of a royal and a classic fashion, bridgertone style wedding will set the bar of best wedding, pretty high for your group of friends xD. The color palate would include green, yellow, golden, red, and a tint of brown. This theme would surely take you down the memory lane of a perfect Victorian-era of wedding. A massive chandelier would add just perfectly to the look.
  • THE GLAM WEDDING. Oh well now this one is for the fashionistas. A little glitter doesn’t hurt, so not lot loads of it. Setting a perfect dress code for this kind of wedding is the real deal. The color palate would include of silver, blue, golden and purple. If you are looking for something even more catchy then a glammed up masquearade theme is also the one for you.
  •  THE GARDEN THEME. Now this one is dreamy, getting married under the sweet sunlight and taking the oath infront of the fire sounds majestic. The color palate of this would be white and yellow.
  • THE BLUE WEDDING. My personal favourite has to be this one, a bit on the different side not so common, blue symbolises Blue represents introspective journeys and symbolizes wisdom and depth of understanding. Maybe by a lake or floating on it? xD who knows , its 2022 everything is do-able. The colour palate would be blue definitely and a tint of white .
  • THE FAIR STYLE. Ah, now this is a crazy one, remember how people have this tendency to say “wedding is food only” well it would all change once you start planning your wedding in a fair style. Which Indian doesn’t enjoy a mela? If you have a good budget and are looking for something extraordinary then this is the one for you. A few glamourous rides and food stalls all around the place would make your wedding exceptional.
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